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Regulatory Guid​​ance Unit


We exist to...​

Demystify regulation

Financial sector policies and regulations are complex. The Regulatory Guidance Unit exists to help marke​t innovators resolve specific questions regarding the policy landscape and regulatory requirements.​

​​ Do you have a question on
 fintech or innovation-related
financial sector regulation?
We do this by providing a central point of entry for market innovators to submit enquiries related to fintech and innovation-oriented policies and regulations. Responses from the Regulatory Guidance Unit will integrate perspectives from relevant financial sector regulators, eliminating the need to contact multiple regu​lators. Guidance provided is non-binding and innovators are encouraged to seek formal legal advice on complex enquiries.

Regulatory Guidance Unit functions FAQs​

expand FAQ Area : Regulatory Guidance Unit functions FAQs  ‎(3)
Regulatory FAQs
expand FAQ Area : Regulatory FAQs ‎(9)

Crypto assets FAQs

expand FAQ Area : Crypto assets FAQs ‎(20)

Crypto arbitrage trading FAQs​

expand FAQ Area : Crypto arbitrage trading FAQs ‎(6)

